--Uploaded On https://youtube.com/AhmedMode --Published on https://ahmedmode.com --Credits goes to the devs! --Scripts Below: --Scripts local Server = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Server local areas = {} table.foreach(game:GetService("Workspace")["_ENEMIES"]:GetChildren(), function(a,b) table.insert(areas, b.Name) end) local eggs = {} -- do sum w this table.foreach(game:GetService("Workspace")["_EGGS"]:GetChildren(), function(a,b) table.insert(eggs, b.Name) end) local function GetMob(Area: string, Health: string): Instance local mob, dist, health = nil, math.huge, Health == "High" and 0 or Health == "Low" and math.huge table.foreach(workspace._ENEMIES[Area]:GetChildren(), function(a,b) if b:IsA("Model") then if b:FindFirstChild("_stats") then if b._stats:FindFirstChild("current_hp") and b._stats.current_hp.Value ~= 0 then local mag = game.Players.LocalPlayer:DistanceFromCharacter(b:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position) local _health = b._stats.current_hp.Value if Health == "High" then if _health > health then health = _health if mag < dist then dist = mag mob = b end end end if Health == "Low" then if _health < health then health = _health if mag < dist then dist = mag mob = b end end end if Health == "Any" then if mag < dist then dist = mag mob = b end end end end end end) return mob end local function Attack() local mob = GetMob("Pyecy Village", "Any") -- "High" (goes for high health mobs) | "Low" (goes for low health mobs) | "Any" (goes for any health mobs) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:PivotTo(mob:GetPivot()) Server:FireServer({"Hit", mob}) print(mob._stats.current_hp.Value) end while task.wait() do pcall(Attack) end