--Uploaded On https://youtube.com/AhmedMode --Published on https://ahmedmode.com --Credits goes to the devs! --Scripts Below: --Script Strike: loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StormSKz12/StirkeHub1/main/Gameincluded"))() Magma: loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://hypernite.xyz/Backup/MagmaHub/script.lua"))() --Fruits Finder Script Put In Auto Execute: Settings = { MuteMusicsInGame = true, --disable musics ingame NotificationSound = true, --play a loud sound when it found a df IsInVipServer = false, --set to "true" if you are in a vip server AutoEat = false, FruitsThatYouWant = { --TYPE EXACT FRUITS NAME "Chop Fruit", "Spring Fruit", "Smoke Fruit", "Flame Fruit", "Ice Fruit", "Sand Fruit", "Dark Fruit", "Light Fruit", "Rubber Fruit", "Barrier Fruit", "Magma Fruit", "Quake Fruit", "Human: Buddha Fruit", "String Fruit", "Bird: Phoenix Fruit", "Rumble Fruit", "Paw Fruit", "Gravity Fruit", "Dough Fruit", "Control Fruit", "Bird: Falcon Fruit", "Spin Fruit", "Diamond Fruit", "Door Fruit", "Love Fruit", "Kilo Fruit", "Venom Fruit", "Dragon Fruit" } } loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodClass/EpicScripts/main/Blox%20Fruit%20DF%20Script.txt'))()