--Uploaded On https://youtube.com/AhmedMode --Published on https://ahmedmode.com --Credits goes to the devs! --Scripts Below: --Script --First put this into auto execute -- [[ Put in auto execute ]] -- getgenv().settings = { ['Server_Hop'] = true, ['Server_Version'] = 121 } loadstring(game:HttpGetAsync("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/muzscripter/projects/main/rbxl/scripts/projectslayersserverfinder.lua"))() --Once you're in v121 servers enjoy and use it this script below: while wait(1) do local silly1 = 100000 -- Amount of Elixirs you want local silly2 = 0 local silly3 = -100000000 -- Amount of cash you want (MUST BE IN NEGATIVES) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").purchase_elixirs:FireServer(silly1, silly2, silly3) end